It's time to simplify, stop people-pleasing and step into the life you were created for. Don't worry... I've got a plan to teach you self-advocacy.  


1:1 coaching

I can show you how to create radical change in your life from the inside out.

The type of change that empowers you to say “no” without guilt because that alone time you need is more important than running yet another errand for someone else. The type of change where your self approval comes from you and not your boss, mom, or even significant other.

The type of change that causes you to see that your freedom IS prosperity. 

No more agreeing to everyone’s b.s. requests that cause you to abandon yourself.

You absolutely can fall in love with yourself & have the confidence to create the life you want!

You are ready to stop comparing your life to what you see on social media. 

You collect info from self-help books or podcasts and can manage to make changes for a little while but it’s short lived. 

Your inner shit-talker is regularly convincing you that you aren’t enough, leaving you overwhelmed. 

You’re terrified that this is all there is or think “if this one thing/person would change, THEN life would be better.”

Is this right for me?

— Yochi a. 

"This was the best care I ever gave myself! Before coaching with Jeanie, I struggled to identify what my goals and desires even were. Now I have a clear vision for my life with the confidence and motivation to make it happen."

hop on a call!

You can contact me here to ask any questions and get more info, or sign up below for a FREE discovery call!  No strings attached.

Ready to get started?

take it from a client

“There is a vibe that Jeanie treats you like family...and she takes exceptional care of her family. She has a God-given ability of being a deep listener and thinker with an expert understanding of emotions. Her ability to communicate and dance with those emotions is done in a bright, intelligent, and innovative way. Her brilliance is the gift of illuminance. Her philosophy is that everything can be figured out, people can and do change, beliefs can and do change. Her belief IN YOU will re-inspire you to believe in yourself.” 


I’m a forever student studying psychology, neurolinguistics, conscious based coaching, codependency, and mindfulness. I do have the paperwork to prove it but what matters is that I bring my passion for personal development to you. I am genuinely committed to elevating consciousness and joy in each of my clients and those around me. I love to share what I’m learning when someone is open but your agenda is my priority in our sessions. 


My coaching style is very compassionate and empowering, but I will 100% hold you accountable and call you out when you are hiding from yourself. I meet you where you are on your journey and walk with you like an emotional tour guide so you can remove the blocks that have been keeping you from the life you were meant for! You are a full spectrum human being and deserve to experience all of the amazing things this life has to offer. I will never encourage you to avoid your pain or discomfort, instead you will get curious about what value it brings into your life. 

What makes This unique

step three

After the debrief, you will have 9, hour long, sessions over the span of 3 months. You will have homework each week that will sometimes consist of journaling or reflecting but will typically be outward tasks that reflect inward shifts. You will also be given access to the 21 Days of Leveling Up writing program so that you can invite in more change and exploration on your own.  

coaching journey

step two

We will start with an ELI™ debrief which will be our longest session. We will take a deep dive into the different types of energy, your unique energetic makeup, and how you can shift your energy to start changing how you experience life immediately. This session will also reveal what you are ready to start healing and releasing.

laying the foundation

step one

The discovery call will help us to get an idea of where we are jumping in together. What’s going on? What have you been doing and what are you looking to shift? Are there goals you are trying to achieve but have been stuck? Next step, for new clients, is to take the ELI™ (Energy Assessment) to determine how life has influenced your perspectives and experiences.

Discovery & E.L.I.™

The Coaching Process:

hop on a call!

You can contact me here to ask any questions and get more info, or sign up below for a FREE discovery call!  No strings attached.

Ready to get started?

Having a coach does not mean that something is wrong with you, it means that you are committed to your success and willing to consider objective viewpoints.